
Localizing PPC Copy For Multi-Location Businesses

Chelsea Flint
August 27, 2024
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Ad copy is where you have some of the most creative opportunity in the paid search space.  That creativity comes with some boundaries since AdWords only allows a certain amount of characters to convey your message and earn a potential customer’s click. In order to accomplish this, you must not only appear in the space but you need to also appear relevant and be relevant to their local query.

When your goal is to capture local traffic and make yourself appear more relevant than your competition, there are a lot of things you can test to see what works best for your account. For multi-location businesses that have a national presence, it’s especially important to convey the benefits that come with a local based business, such as: responsive customer service, quick response times, a local brick and mortar location, and a local phone number. You can convey these things both in your ad copy and on your site/landing page.


When writing ad copy for a local location, you can help your ad stand out by utilizing local, specific information in the text. For instance, if I’m searching for Noblesville Indiana lawn care, as a searcher I’m more likely to respond to an ad that speaks to Noblesville service vs a generic brand ad that doesn’t mention my criteria at all. You can get creative with the type of localization you add depending on how granular your service area may be.

For instance, if you serve the greater Denver metro area, you could utilize well-known landmarks right in your ad to help potential customers see that you are, in fact, aware of the area and also give them some insight into what areas of a larger metro you serve.


When writing your creative, avoid a "set it and forget it" mentality. As promos in your local area change, apply the promo details and deadlines in to your ad copy and extensions to create a sense of urgency and coincide with other offline marketing efforts in your local area.


There are a large variety of extensions you can add to your account that can show along with your ad copy. These extensions add extra text and information outside of your 25-35-35 character limit and can also be tailored to appeal to people in your local vicinity.  Here are some ideas for things to implement in these extensions:

  • BBB ratings (if you have a favorable rating)
  • 3rd party reviews (local publications)
  • A call extension with a local area code
  • Sync your location extension with AdWords from Google My Business
  • Opt in to search partners so your ads are eligible to show in the maps channel
  • Utilize sitelinks with descriptions. When Google shows extended descriptions, it’s an additional opportunity to include text in your ad copy. You can link people to different pages of interest other than the final URL you choose for your ad.

Landing Pages

After you earn your potential customer’s attention and click, make sure you deliver on your ad promise with the landing page. Provide a localized experience that speaks to the geography and service your custom is looking for. Provide information about your role in the community where applicable, and it’s always a good idea to include examples of your work in the community, especially if you’re a service based provider. For instance, if you do lawn care in the suburbs, show off some of your before and after examples of an actual, local homeowner's’ yard.  


After the sale, keep up the rapport with your new client base and ask them if they’ll provide a review of your work. New customers are more likely to consider a service provider that can demonstrate their work through a testimonial.  Your customers can leave reviews on your Google My Business listing or store Facebook page as an example.


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Chelsea Flint

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